Corpse Kid

Thursday 31 May 2007

Ruperty Creed :p

Today i got all ready and then i had a huge quiff in my fringe i was like OMG! But my sisters straightners soon saughted out that!
After that my mum dropped me off at drama and i saw all of y good friends like Sarah, Laura and lots and lots of others but not poor Steph because she didn't turn up and i was like :( because i miss her because she is such a good friend! The play is writtin by no other then boring Rupert Creed!
Drama was ok i suppose but i can't help but think that the same people will get chosen for this play like they have for the past 5 or more plays.
That really pisses me off because nobody gets a fair chance!
But after the read through i got the bus home and went out with my friendies Chloe and Luke (who were waiting at the bus stop laying on the floor:)
I went out boith of them until 9 but then i stayed out till 10 because me and Luke stayed out on his trampoline! Bouncy bounce ..::..
After all this day i was out from 10 until 10 because i didn't want to go in!It was a cool day! And a long day!
Big kisses. Bye bye!!

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Town ... ... ... again!!!

Today i got out of bed i my jimmy jams and then Corey turned up outside my window i was like ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Then i told him to go sit on the bench while i got ready and then i forgot about him. Oh well!
I was going to go in town with Emily (hopefully just her and not another of her friends) but then she canceled but i had just as good a time in town anyway, if not better!
Corey stayed with me for ages (looking slightly odd in his dress sense!) like he nearly always does. He intended on staying with me insted of going to drama. i was like "if u need to" It was pretty boring with him like it always is!
After he eventually left i met Becky, Araminta and Kirsty and anyone else who was at pit at the time! Me and Miung and i bought some Macbeth shoes, which are so cool! A bit like me!
Then after town i went out with Little Miss Emo Sophie Parsenidge! and we called for Luke, Clo Clo and Corey but noone was out. Me and Sophie couldnt fight ouir temptation and we just had to go on Lukeykins's trampoline. But it wasn't long uintil ou concience made us think we would get caught and we soon scaddadled. Hahe!
Sophie was ben all emo. Then we left and then i came in and watched TV and Listened to. Hello. GOODBYE!!!

Town <- again!

Yesterday i went into town (oh theres a surprise) i have been and am going into town everyday this holiday. *Because i like it!*
Well anyway this day i was supposed to be meeting a really good froend of mine called Steph but she couldn't make it. :( :( :( :(
That is very upsetting because i havent seen her in agessssssssss and i miss her!
Well anyway i mey Emily and her friend Becky (roll me eyes) Another one of her friends! I would so rather go with Steph then any of her plastic friends!
Emily wanted to read all of my texts and then she only comlained when she read them but it was funny. But i am just going to shut up because i am in a mood and i don't want to get nasty.
P.S Steph you are my B.F.F.L!


This is from 2 days earlier because i am writing from the present day of the 30th! I havem't been able to get on the computer because my sister wouldn ='( This also means i haven't been able to get on msn to talk to my good buddies like Steph and Lukeykins and Soiphie <- very big emo!
Well i went into town on monday i think but i can't actually remember what i did during the day but i remember that at night i went out with Chloe, Luke, big emo Sophie and Corey and we went on Lukes trampoline and hasd a funny laugh. I also think this was the day Sophie fell off the trampoline!

Sunday 27 May 2007

Becky, whats a virgin?

I am actually writing this blog post from today so Woop for me!
Today i got woken up by Becky's cousin who kept running up to me saying "This isn't Becky!" and "Are you awake" and "Excuse me, my toy car is eating cereal!"
When me and Becky woke up we started to watch Hocus Pocus (me and Becky used to adore this film when were kids) and Becky mum reminded us of when we were about 7 and the film said virgin and i asked Becky "What is a virgin" and she replied "I think it is someone who dosen't eat meat." We were and still are geeks!
At about half 1 me and Becky went into town in the rain and met up with lots of randon people who Becky and I are friends with. At about half 2 i met my sister for about 45 minutes.
After that me and Becky went into Claires and i bought some Nightmare before Christmas wristbands! They rock my socks.
Later on i got the bus and then just went back to my boring life on the computer and listening to music.

Llllooonnnggg Day!

Yesterday! Wouldn't it be great if i actually wrote a blog entry on the day it happened? ... ... ... ... ... I think so!
Yesterday i went to the doctors with my mum and i sat in the reception watching crappy T.V shows like Tracy Beaker and Sportsround, Haha.
After the doctors i wnet into town and met Emily ouside Staples (she was late like she sometimes is :) when she turned up we walked around and then me and her walked to drama.
I cant believe it my B.F.F.L Stpeh wasn't there again i was like *humph* only because she is one of my best friends!
After an "enjoyable" 3 hours of drama i went into town and i met Becky, Araminta (Minty), Michelle (Shell), Chantelle (Shanny), Steph (Molecule) <- the name i assigned her with in science at Pickering because she has a big mole. Haha!
After Gemma (Gemsy Wemsy) had got on the bus me and Becky walked around town until Shell and Minty came back. Shgell came back looking like a tart.
Me and Becky were at the front of the hhhuuugggeee queue to go into the screen and then we made Shell and Minty push in next to us. ;D
We all ate popcorn, Chewy, Refreshers, Strawbs and other junkish foods.
Pirates of the Carribean was so good even though it did start at half 8 and finish near 12 and then all four of us walked home, our arses were so numb. When me and Becky got back we watched the Titanic and talked and ate!
What a long day i had it was 11 until 12. That is 13 hours!

Friday 25 May 2007

Last Day :"(

Today i am actually writing from today so i am all good :D!
Well now i am actually not writing from today because iam writing from Sunday which isa like 2 days after the day. :O
Today i was waiting for M&S to open so i was a little late for *work* but that was only because i was buying them the nicest cake in the store which was actually very nice because it all got eaten and was very yummy. It was a chocolate ake with chocolate buttons all over it, it was scrumdidlyumptious!
All day they were all been super nice to me (they actually always were during the week.) There was a weird boy there called Craig who just goes there every friday and when we were doing the post i knew where more letters went then him. Thats what 5 days of letter sorting does to you!
In the afternoon i was sorting out napkins for the Civil Partnership happening on Saturday. I had to put pink ribbon on the womens napkins and blur cord on the males. The pink was better because the blue cord looked cheap and crappy! But hey ho it isn't my wedding!
After about 2 me and Craig went around the Deeep (It was my first time) i saw all different kinds of sea critters. I loved the clown fishes and the angel fishes and the dead fishes <- Haha!
I actually did see a dead fish without a head in the big shark tank! I went up the big glass lift and saw the ugliest sea animal ever, it was green and all slimy with no backbone and kept blinking and looking half dead!
When i got back me, Fraya, Sue, Kirsty and Craig ate the cake and then they gave me a present and a card. I was like Awwwww because i wasn't expecting anything. I was so upset to leave because i grew so attatched to everyone and i loved them all. They bought me a shark style mug and a card, which brought as lump to my throught. I would so rather go there then to my horrible school of bitchand dickfaces!
Today i am writing from yesterday which would mean i am not writing down what happened today but am actually writing down yesterdays incidents. ;)
Yesterday i got to work experience and did the mail and went on the Franking machine and did tyhe kitchens and cleaned the conference room for over 2 hours. When i wasa done it looked so tidy and spankingly newish!
After a lovely day at work experience i went into town and met Emily and her friend Jasmine who then met her boyfriend.
Mre and Emily were joking and laughing and enjoying each others company like we always do but then she said something very nasty so i walked away. From Hull College it took me 3 minutes to walk to Pit which is near Princes Quay. I eventually turned back at my nanas at about half 6 and then we watched Pirates Of The Carribean 2!

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Chloe / Sophie

Today i got the 66 to my the Deep and went straiht into the reception but Sue was not there so it was me, Kirsty, Freya (The manager) and Allison (who works in the Two Rivers resteraunt in the Deep) she was funny and she also liked my cups of tea, so i made her about 1000!
In the morning i laminated some things for fire accidents and sorted out the large bags of post. I also just walked around and made sure everywhere was all clean and tidy and i rearrnged the meeting room 1.
After my dinner which i went to the Deep cafe :)and got staff dicount (:
I also get drink free! Woop!
After work experience i went tinto town and then got my bus home. When i was home i went out with Sophie who had falllen out with Chloe and Luke because of some s**t Corey had said. And after i had made Chloe, Luke and Sophie friends again we delivered Lukes papres. We passed a girls house who me and Chloe hate and Luke shouted "Loking good" and i said "and extremely fat!" and we were all saying how much we hated her. Which is a lot, and her dad heard us and shouted "You think you are funny" we walked away very shocked. :p
After Chloe and Sophie had gone in me and Luke were on his trampoline (but not looking as fat as Keeley) he told me on how corey kept saying shit about me saying i had kissed him and a load of poo!

worki experience :)

Today i woke up and got the bus to work experience <- which i am enjoying so much.
When i got there Sue had some jobs for me to do likle sorting out letters and making cups of tea, which is basically a shorter list of my jobs yesturday except today was the big confetrence i had got the room so ready for.
I had cleaned and sorted out all the tables and chairs. Cleaned 70 plates and glasses, knives and forks. Arranged all of the food such as fruit, chicken, sandwiches and little munchies. Mmmmm they were all so tasty.
Afterwards i cleaned all the room to because they made a complete mess. The plates were stuck together with chocolate gatteau.
After work experience i went imto town and thern got the bus to my nanas which is where i slept tha night. So i am actually writing this entry from the past! Dum dum dum ... ... ... ... ...
Me and gransy watched Fantastic four in tribute to the next one coming out this year.

Monday 21 May 2007

:D Work Experience *-)

Today i got up all ready for my wok experience!
I put on my black skinny jeans and my black fake converse and a white t-shirt and my black Dickies jacket with my by black sidebag from Beasleys. I basically looked like i do on a normal day!
I got on the 77 nowhere near the school bus stop. When i got off the bus i stopped to have a goos conversation with an old friend called Stephanie Iveson which nearly made me late!
When i got there i went to the reception and was talkin to Kirsty the receptionist and then in came the ... ... ... ... mail!!!
Which meant to sort about 10000000 letters into lots of pigeon holes. It took about 1hour and a half. But was still fun!
After that i did lots of little jobs and then i cleaned Meetingroom 1 and after imwas done it looked spotless. And then me and Sue sorted out the conference room for some people tomorrow. And then that looked great!
I also made cups of tea :) and went on the coolest machine ever that put stamps on envelopes, i was so amused. The machine was so super but not as super as my full day there! I enjoyed doing jobs and meeting Sue and Kirsty, who are both very nice people and i hope they only thought good things of me too.
After work experience i went home and then went out with Sophie, Chloe and Luke and we were sat in the cemetery and a woman walked up and said "I have you on camera." she was so queer because we were only sat down talking and music listening.


Today after i woke up me and my nana went out into the garden and i cut her garden. After i had finished it looked very nice.
After i was finished at my nanas i went into town and met Emily in town, but she looked the complete opposite because she was going to her plasticated friends house. She still looked nice though i just prefer her in black!
Me and Emily went to the pictures and saw Magicians which was one ofg the best things i have seen in ages (probably because it was more believable then the past however many movies i have seen!) It was so funny, almost as funny as Corey wearing mascara!
After the pictures i got the bus home and then i went out with my friens until about 9pm and we were all freaky on skateboards and listening to Fall Out Boy! Woop!

Sunday 20 May 2007

Yesterday :p

I am writing about what i did yesterday because i forgot to say that i was sleeping at my nanas.
I got the bus into towqn with Danielle and Corey and then Danielle went to go and meet Beagle <- her boyfriend. And me and Corey walked around town until half 1 when we met Emily <- my girlfriend. Haha!
When we met Emily Corey decided to be gay and went and bought a mascara and a mirror and put it on and looked super rubbish. He looked like a panda, and at drama he kept falling out with people and crying (which made his mascara just as crappy!) He was been super annoying and nobody hardly likes him there anyway.
After drama i went into town and met Becky Gill, Kirsty Pennington, Chantelle Rimmer, Michelle Grierson (Shell), and many other freaks.
We all sat in pit for sa while and then i went into Claires and bought some shoelaces iun the design of a leopard. Woop!
As soon as i got to my nanasd they went straight on my shoes. Foir tea nana was attempting to make me a pie but burnt it so it was as black as Coreys rubbish eyes. So she made me a pizza instead ;)

Saturday 19 May 2007


Today i got on the school bus with Sophie, Chloe and Corey and the chavs were playing the horrible song by Reanne called Umberelle Ella Ella, Hey Hey Hey! Haha so i asked Chloe for her phone and i started to play My Chemical Romance, even though all day i had Reanne in my head.
First lesson we were in the computer room because there was only 6 people in my class and i was also in the computer room for maths too.
After break was RE and there was only 12 people in my class and about 8 were chavs. *-)
After dinner i had Business and again i wwas in the computer room which at this point was pretty boring. Last lesson i had History and we were copying notes into our Saltaire booklets. Or at least trying because Mrs Sowden speaks 100wps! (words per second)
After school i went out with Maxx for a bit and then at 7 i met up with Sohpie, Corey, Chloe, Luke, Henderick and about another 5 people and we were sat in the graveyard listening to music!

Thursday 17 May 2007

:D Saltaire :D

I didn't write anything yesterday because the same old happened, but today was just one of the bestest days i have had this year!

In the morning i got dressed in my (emo) clothes as people like to call them. And a dumb girl went "Can they be any tighter?" and my reply was "YES!"

I was first on the bus in the morning and i chose a seat right at near to the back because then the chavs wouldn't all be sat together. Even thought they did :(!

After the two hour long bus journey and wasting lots of pictures on my camera we eventually got to Saltaire and my first impressions were. *What is this?* but my impressions were changed by my lovely trip around Saltaire.

Wer visited all of the important sites in little groups and Danny Robinson kept shouting at me because i was talking pictures. I shouted back sayng "What is the point of havinng the camera if i am not going to use the thing you idiot!" He didn't reply to that.
,My favourite part was when we was allowed to walk around with small groups and friends and i was going around and researching and taking pictures. Out of my full group of 42 me and Corey were the only people to go into the Church where Sir Titus Salt body is buried and from there i bought two p[ictures, a map and four postcards. nFrom the main mill i bought the history of the mill along with a map, whereas others in my group found a KFC and bought things from there.
I also made friends of a woman who worked in a store and a random woman outside the church.
On the bus home i continually listened to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Gym Class Heroes and Scissor Sisters!
((̲̅ (̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅n̲̅!(̲̅ (>

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Grave Laying!

Today i gfot the bus and stood with my fellow friendlings, Chloe, Luke, Sophie and Corey until the bus came and then we all barged into the crowd to get a seat! Haha ;)
First two lesson for Technology we were in different rooms due to tests and we were working off worksheats. Which i only finished one of but it did look perfect!
After break i had Citizenship and Mr Harper kept asking us to come up with names for a Penis and Vagina, some of the names were so funny like Milky Moo and Rumple Foreskin. Mr Harper also kept asking us what was the meaning of fuck!!
After dinner me and Aimme had English and were supposed to be doing a test but people kept putting us off so we didn't do it and it was ok!
Last lesson was boring Chemistry and Liam Hall kept telling me the reasons why he thought i was scary. They amused me very much.
After school me, Sophie and Corey went out and were playing hide and seek in the graveyard and i didn't even get caught ayed in a grave :D
Corey kept asking to wear some of my trousers for the history trip and i was like NO because that would be weird! Very weird!

Monday 14 May 2007

Campino - KampEmo

Today i got up with greatn difficulty of my alarm clock ringing in my ear for 20 minutes.
First lesson i had maths and me and Christina kept questioning Mr Birnie on our work, just to know it was perfect. Just like me! Haha.
After thati had Engliosh and Aimee kept trying to peirce her elbow which was completely disgusting and kept making me cringe. :P
After break i had I.C.T but i actually had my business teacher because of ICT tests but i accidentally went to the wrong class and Mr Wyles went completely crazy and acted completely OTT!
In the afternoon i had Geography and there was only about 15 of us in the class and Chris's pen popped and it went on the side of my head and diesd my hair purple. It was so amazing. :D But Chris was annoying for near enough the whole lesson!
Last lesson was just as empty and me, Kirsty and Alex were sat in a 3 and we were doing things on Saltaire but they both kept talking about there prom dresses and which one wanted to sit next to me on the bus.
I can either sit next to Kirsty who is obsessed with Peter who thinks it is unnatural to brush your teeth and wash your hair with conditioner and shampoo, or Alex who is obsessed with Callan who is just very weird and has about an exciting life as a goldfish. Hard Choice!!!
When i got home me, Sophie and Corey met and we were just walking and talking. Looking like cool little emos!
And i pased a bus stop and a girl either called me a Kamp Emo or a Campino i was so confused! :S

Sunday 13 May 2007

:) ASDA (:

Today i woke up at half 11 but that is only because i went to sleep at about 2 due to my bad cough and sore throat. But when i did get asleep my i was apparently talking and laughing because my brother told me in the morning when i eventually got up.
At 1 me, Sam and dad went to Asda and i bought a new memory card for my camera which can now hold 365 pictures which is good because it used to only hold 10. Woop!
I also bought some rechargeable batteries for my camera and a new case.
All i really did for the rest of the day was go on the computer and listen to Panic! At The Disco!

A Long Day Out

Today me, Sam Danielle and my dad went into town at about half 12.
At 1 i met Emily and then we went into Ferrens Art Gallery, i found a picture that i liked called Romantic Landscape. I lied the colours of the sunset.
Me and Emily went to drama and lots of my friendies where there, Sophie, Sarah, Corey and lots of other people. Steph didn't go because she got food poisoning from her own cooking. Haha.
Me, Corey, Sophie and Erdogan were in a group and i was making up our choreography, which i must say looked wonderful ;).
After drama i walked in to town with Fiona, Sarah, Laura and Adam and then we all separated and i met Becky, Araminta and Kirsty, who are all people from my old school.
We walked around town and Araminta gave me a bath whale which was cool, and i bought some black tight jeans and food, We were in New look and there was a blue balloon on the ceiling and i got it down and called it Ballonish, but my dad made me get rid of it when i met him at 6 because he was on the radio.
After dad was on the radio we went to see his play (Sully) which was jjst as good as the last time i saw it! After that we walked home and we eventually got back at about 12!

Friday 11 May 2007

Laughing Sleeper :Ozzzz

Last night my brother kept waking me up because i was apparently laughing really loudly in my sleep, well it must have been to wake up my brother.
Today i got to the bus stop before the bus, which hardly ever happens. :O
First lesson was Physics and we were in the computer room and me and Hayley kept restarting the test so we knew the answers and got full marks. But the thing was we didn't know the questions. I got a 5.
Second lesson i had maths and i sat with Chrissy and we were talking about Eragon, which we both love and we were also talking in between doing he work. At the end i got my maths grade and i got the average which was 16%. I was like ;) People get worse them me! I also got another 5 on my report.
After break was RE and i was writing anti-PE songs about Mr Garthwaite and an annoying boy called nugget! I got a 4 for talking though.
After dinner was Business which was funny because me and Harriet (who are really good friends again) kept emailing each other all lesson, mostly about Ann! I forgot to get it signed.
Last lesson the fire alarm went off which was like Woop!!!! Then we got about 10 handouts about Saltaire (The trip next week) and we read then then the lesson was nearly over and i forgot to get the report signed there too.
After school i got my bag ready fir my dads whose play starts agian tonight
My dad went for his play and i was in on the computer!

Thursday 10 May 2007

Field Wrestling!

Today i got the school bus to school and first lesson i had Chemistry and Laura and Naomi kept asking Ellis why in year 9 she had a pet roch. Haha! She actually did ;) I got a 5.
Second leson i had PE and Mr Asshole Garthwaite was been a complete f**cking asshole. He told me that i had no friends even though he also told me to stop talking to them. Someone also batted ther basll over the fence and told me to go and get it. I thought that they were not letting me bat the ball i was most definately putting myself out catching it so all together it took me over 5 minutes to retrieve the ball. I got a 2/3 because Mr Garthwaite was been a fruithead!
After break i had English and i found out my friend Jen has had 2 kids apparently but then found out it was not true. :)
After dinner i had Biology and we were revising again in the computer room and i was so tired.
Last lesson i had Careers and it was boring and we were doing about work experience. Woop!
After school Maxx came to my house and we were walking aroung and "wrestling" in a field. We also met up with Corey and Sophie.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Minitored report

Today i nearly got rode over because the school bus was leaving so i thought i would walk in the road to stop it but instead nearly stopped my life. Haha
I was put on report along with other people so the teaches could monitor my behaviour for a week and comment my work. It is nothing bad.
First lesson i had PE and i caught out the full team because i caught Sam Johnson's lame batting of the ball. Everyone was like :O "Scott actually did something and caught the ball!" 4
Second lesson i had Science and we were revising in the computer room but me and Ellis were on games inbetween aswell. 5
After break i had Maths and was told i did not co-operate because i didn't take off my jacket even though i never do and wear it in every lesson. 3 for not "co-operating"
At dinner Corey put someones bag in the bin and i got called into her office and was like "It was Corey not me you dumb bitch!" and she was having a right go. She said i was put on report for not co-operating and i said "No i am not i am on it for a monitor like another 5 people!" and then she soon shut up. ;)
After dinner i had Geography and we did a test.
Last lesson i had Business and we were doing about the Deep which is where i am going for my work experience.
OMG me and Harriet are friends again, today we even hugged. :O

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Weird MP3

Today was the first day back at school from the extended holidays and i already wish it was over.
In the morning i couldn't remember where my MP3 was so i borrowed my sisters pink MP3 and my brothers blue headphones. Only because i misplaced mine. It looked weird, like me.
Speaking of retarded the retard dinner club was not on today. :(
In form Mr Harper told me off for wearing my jacket and listening to music and people were calling me names and he still failed to mark me absent on the register.
First lesson i had Double Technology and we all did a test which was a bit easy in some parts. I answered every question :D.
Third lesson was Citezenship and i was told off again for putting a picture of Paris Hilton on my work even yhough we were doing about eating disorders and Paris only weighs about 1 pound!!!
After dinner i had English and i tied Aimee to her chair with some very strong rope and then selotaped her hands, feet and mouth together. She looked very amusing.
Last lesson was science which was very boring. I coloured all of my star studs on my bag red and they looked Super Duper! I said i had cooking so i got to leave 5 minutes early. Woop!
Emily and i were talking on the phone and Skinny told Emily i look like a 16 year old but act like a 4 year old because i was whipping pigeons in Queens Gardens. Haha!

Monday 7 May 2007

Townness :D

Today i got a lift into town by my mum and then i met Emily, Kimmi and Skinny. We went to check the cinema times but nothing we wanted to go see or the times we wanted were on so we decided not to go, instead we walked around town and then went into Subway. I only bought a drink because i was not hungry but they all got sandwiches. Kimmi left most of hers, Skinny ate his very fast and Emily made a complete mess and dropped all of the bolognase sauce down her leg, and kept swearing about it and she said that is why she has never eaten around me before. Haha!
After that we just kept walking and sitting and taking pictures of us looking retarded on cameras. Me and Kimmi have the same camera.
Later on we were in JD Sports and we did not fit in because we were wearing black so we thought we would blend in next to a black manaquin and i touched its hand and it fell off and a finger fell off it. We walked very quickly out of the store. I Love Emily <3.
Today i had one of the funnest times in ages and even at the end i met Becky Gill for about half an hour. I was in town for over 5 hours.
When i got home i did some Technology work because i was so bored.

Sunday 6 May 2007

Spiderman 3 is s**t

Today i went to Becky Gills at about half 11 and after deciding which top she should wear, which took 25 mins she finally chose her yelow Enter Shikari one. While i was waiting for her i was playing with Beauty the hamster and watching Shipwrecked.
I have known Becky since nursery and we were always good friends, she hasn't changed hardly nd neither has her house. The broken gate from year 2 was still unnatatched.
When we eventually got into town Becky realised she had forgotten her phone. But oh well!
I bought two t-shirts from Topman which were 2 for £10. Wowsa what a bargain. I had to get Small because there were no Xtra Small, which is my usual size. I gt a blue and a white top.
At about half 2 we went into the cinema and were first in the screen so we sat at the back but then so dd a group of people who were not even paying attention to the movie and were just on there phones.
In the movie i got called up 7 times, once by my mum, 5 times by my sister and then once by my good old gothy friend Ann, whho i haven't spoken to in ages.
The movie was boring and the only good bit was the fighting at the end. Out of ten it would be about a 6. Due to pooeyness!

5th :) Screamo Emo ):

Yesturday i went into town with Emily, Corey and my sister. Danielle stayed with us until her friends were in town, which was about 1 hour.
We all just walked around town and spent a rather long time in the Disney Store, i love the Disney Store it is such a great store full of magic and coolness. It was a shame that Steph could not go cos then that would have been twice the coolness. Wahoooooo!
Just before 2 we all went to Starbucks and bought a Fruppachino (or however it is spelt) I t was superlicious.
Drama was funny and we had to do singing and i got assigned to emo screamo and after that my throught really hurt, and then i couldn't get asleep because i kept caughing. It was funny though.
I made my nana watch Harry Potter 4 because she has never seen it and still never did cos she couldn't keep her eyes open.

Friday 4 May 2007

Whats With The Tests!

Today i got up with a headache like i had been stabbed in the head with a machete and then 10 elephants have stood on my head.
First lesson i had OPhysics and me and my friend Ellis got shouted at because instead of listening we were playing naughts and crosses. XO!
Second leson i had a maths test which i was not prepared for at all, i kept very slyly asking my cool friend Sharon the answers.
After break i had RE and yet again we did not get to watch that video, but there is no poiny of it now cos we are never going to watch it. ever... ... I kept getting called and emo by this fat head callled Rob. Who i really really hate!
After a rubbish dinner of a soggy chicken phahita wrap i had Business Studies and we were in the computer room and i drew Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross in the form of powerpuff girls, but still wearing there clothes and Ryan was a devil and Brendon was an angel.
Last lesson i had History and it was part two to the test which i thought i did pretty well too.
At home i was on the phone to various people for over 3 hours and all that time i was on the Sims. I was organising meetin my friends Emily, Steph and Corey. But not so much Corey! Haha

Thursday 3 May 2007

*I'm Special*

Today i woke up and went to school.
First lesson i had Chemistry and we were copying out of text books again, like we always do.
Second lesson i had PE and i was last to be chosen again, but i didn't get caught when i talked to Chris this time, i was very sly.
After break i had a rather dull english lesson because we had finished all of our mock exam apaers but Mr Crawforth still made us read from our Anthologys. :Ozzzz
After dinner i had another enjoyable science lesson where we ... ... ... ... ... copied out of books. Now theres a change!
Last lesson i had darn Careers and we did a test about things we have learnt, but most the thing on the test were things i had actually learnt in business studies.
When i got home i went on the Sims, and i am on the 3rd generation of a family. Which is a change for me because i usually just build the houses and only platy with a 1 person family but this family had 8 people.;)
I also put badges on my bag and found badges i didn't even know i had.
I found a Ralph Wiggum badge that said *I'm Special*
One said *I Love Myself*, which i so completely do. Haha
and one that said *You can never wear to much black* which i completely agreed with!

Wednesday 2 May 2007

My Interview

Today i woke up and got the bus to school.
I had the same boring lesson but i had to leave early because i had an appointment with my work experience placement at The Deep!
I got sent to one place to find Susan Hornby and then i got sent to find Heather something and then i had to find someone called Sue.
I was like :O, and when i was waiting i but so hard on my finger it started to blead.
The woman who guided me around was very nice and i told her i could make good cups of tea and coffee, she said that is always goos on work experience and told me that on my last day i can go in the deep instead of working in the reception. I was like Yaey!
I can't wait until i actually get to go. It will be fun, very fun indeed.
When i got home i watched Harrt Potter and the Goblet Of Fire.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Boring day

Today i woke up and got the school bus to school.
First two lessons i had technology and we were finishing of the work from last week, which was not much for me.
After break i had citizenship which was just another boring lesson like all Citizenship lessons are, we were in the classroom again i was drawing.
After dinner i had english which was pooish, because i had to compare poems out of my anthology. Last lesson i had Chemistry which was very boring because we did a mock exam papaer which was hard!
After school i helped out with the garden and went on the Sims, like i usually do!