Corpse Kid

Friday 29 June 2007

School - Ghost Town!

Today i woke up very late and got ready just in time for the bus, and nobody was at the bus stop.
I got there just in time and me and Kelly walked to school, when we were there i gave my chicken (Hollie) her birthday present and it was a galaxy bar in spiderman wrapping paper and Corey wasn't here to get his present.
First lesson i had Physics and Mr Smith wasn't here again so we had a sub and he gave me a C2 for nothing. There was only 5 people in the class.
Second lesson was maths and i was in the computer room and i did all of the work that Mr Birnie told me to do and then at break i left and he called my dad telling him that i ran out but i didn't at all. I hate him!
After break i had R.E and there was 6 people in the class and we still didn't get to watch the video but instead we did abortion posters. Mine said Abortion Is Murder with blood!
After dinner i had Business and there was only 6 people in the class and i did some coursework.
Last lesson was History and i drew a great picture of the Black Parade marcher. I gave it to Kirsty my good friend.
School was a complete ghost town!
When i got home i did some of my History Coursework and spoke to my friends on msn and the phone which i was on for about 4 hours.

? Dunno what i did !

Yesterday i cant really remember what i did but i went to school and i had the normal boring lessons and i remember leaving at 2 because the river things in Hedon were flooding so we got to leave.
I cant remember what i did because i had the best sleep ever. Sleep that is well deserved from my late, late, late nights.

Thursday 28 June 2007

Happy Birthday Steph!

Happy Birthday To Steph!
Happy Birthday To Steph!
Happy Birthday To Dorky Steph!
Happy Birthday To Steph!

Yesterday was such a great day!
For starters i didn't go to school but that was partly because i didn't wake up in time so instead me, Sam, Dad and Morgan went to town and for breakfast in the Three John Scots. We all had a breakfast but dad had more which reminded me of when we went to Italy and we all got a sandwich and dad got a full pizza. :).
After our breakfast we went to The Deep and saw all the fishies and then i met Danielle and we waltzed around town for a couple of hours getting home just in time for my friend Steph's royal arrival.
I got picked up and gave Steph her present of Jeremy thee Troll and the I LOVE NERDS teeshirt which she put on straight away, then we stayed in her house until the meal, when we got picked up by a ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... LIMO!
The limo rocked so much and there was lots of chocolates and drinks and Steph kept accusing me of knowing about the limo but i didn't. We all had a good time and then we got to the meal. Me and Steph weren't very hungry so we got a pizza and pasta to share but i didn't touch the pasta, but for desert we were supposed to half a strawberry ice-cream but she wouldn't eat any so i ended up eating it all. Then we got the limo home and everyone was on the karaoke machine except me and i was the dancing queen who drank a lot of J2o's. :p
When i git home i told everyone about the funnest time i had. It was so cool. Limos rock!

Wednesday 27 June 2007

^24th - 25th - 26th^

I haven't written m blog so i will fill you in from the past 3 days.
On Sundays the highlight of the day was visiting ASDA for my cooking things and i saw the *PETE WENTZ* action figure in Game Invader and i was like :O because it is the first shop it has ever been in that i have ever seen.

On Monday (2 days ago) i went to school in the pouring rain with Sam (for his induction day) and Kelly, we got completely drenched. And first lessons until break all the year 10's had a science exam and the Biology test was easy but the Physics and Chemistry tests were so hard. Then after break was I.C.T and i did the work while people around me were on Google Earth ;) finding peoples houses then later on in the lesson My Wyles told us that the school was shutting due to the bad weather and we were all like *Hooray* and then we all left and i went for dinner and the silly woman gave me a token even though i had money. Which was good for me because i got to save the money. Then on the way to Hedon to get a bus everything was flooding and most the buses were canceled and when the bus finally arrived we were soaked. We arrived home at 2 and then went on the computer for a long long time. Sam must have had one crappy induction day! The water flooded all the streets and my dads gardens and people in Burstwick had to get evacuated.

On Tuesday (yesterday) the floods were so bad that schools everywhere were shut, even mine and mine is never shut! During the day when most of the floods had gone we took another adventurous trip to ... ... ... ... ASDA! Where i got Corey's present and in addition to Steph's present i got her a troll called JEREMY! And i kept combing its silky yellow hair.
But unfortunately that is all i can remember of these days. :D

Sunday 24 June 2007


Today i woke up nice and early to get my suitcase ready for my dads and in the end i packed more then anyone. :) But i dont think i needed it all.
My mum dropped me Danielle and Sam off at our dads for over a week because she is going on holiday but then i needed to go into tow sop she dropped me off in town. I met Harriet at half 11 in town and then we walked aroung and around for ages and then we went for our diner in Subway where we st and but Kinky Handcuffs on Harriets bag because her other hancuff handles had snapped. The we went back trecking around town where i bought my good fellow friendling Steph her birthday present of a Spongebob t-shirt that says *I LOVE NERDS* it was so cool and will look perfect onSteph because she loves me and i am a nerd! :D
I also got some white kind of emo glasses, a sheriff badge, some bracelets, and Harriet got some earings and bracelets and the brown emo glasses.
At half 5 me and Harriet met Araminta and Kirsty and then we went over to the previews of Shrek The Third at 6. It was really good except the baby kapt walking aroung with a balloon and then she let go and they went to the roof and then she cried. I finally got home by half 8.
I had been in town for 9 hours. When i got back i watched television and had fod!

Friday 22 June 2007

<3 Barbie Beetle <3

Today was a very eventful day.
First lesson i had Physics but Mr Smith wasn't here agin so i was revising from a revision guide.
Second lesson i had Maths and i didn't understand the Introduction so i skipped it and went right to the Plot, no wonder Mr Birniie was so suspicious that i had done a lot of work.
After break was R.E and Mrs Butt was back and that meant that the class had to play up more then usual, i really don't know why because i don't mind R.E because it isn't that bad a lesson and Mrs Butt isn't that bad.
At dinner i had a heroic moment when i saved a beetle from lots of Chavs trying to squidge it. I was like "NO and argued with them, and then i put the beetle in a safe place!" I called ther beetle Barbie. They didn't have to kill it, but the girl said it scared her so i said that her face scared me!
After dinner i had Business and i did some of my coursework and emailed Harriet about meeting tomorrow.
Last lesson i had History and i sat with Kirsty and she fell asleep so i wrote down some of her notes into my own words. :)
The school bus was ok until we got off when Luke Watts came up to Corey and said "Why did you say that about me ansd then com[letely kicked the crap out of Corey for no reason. Then me and Sofy argued with his friends, she is a complete idiot.
After that incident i went out later onm and then went on the Sims and Phone for over 2 hours to Araminta!

Thursday 21 June 2007

Drama! =D

Today i got the bus to school and first lesson i had Science (Chemistry) and we did a multiple choice test and i got a D, which is my target and grade and wasn't the lowest in the class and was one of the highest.
Second lesson was P.E but i handed in yesterdays note because i had a "chest infection" which is code for i can't be arsed to join in, so instead i had to litter pick but i accidentally broke the picker thing but Mr Garthwaite didn't shout. He was been a complete ass to Harriet though.
At break people kept coming up to me and asking why i started a rumour saying that Stacy Lister got licked out by a dog, but i didn't spread that i just helped it along its way, like the dog helped her on her way.
After break i hadf English and Matthew Wildbore threw a pen at my head so i threw it out the classroom so then he hit me and pushed me. He then came in and hit me again so i walked out and then got him thrown out.
After dinner i had another Science lesson (Biology) and in the terst i got a C which is the highest mark you can get on the foundation paper.
After that was Careers and we were doing about drugs, which was crap!
After school i got the bus into town and then i went to that drama thing at Ferrens Art Gallery and when another group was performing the girl started to sing but i laughed because she was terrible. Our play was the best and i had to start it off and enter first. Then me and dad got the bus to our homes.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Waterstones Party! ~O

Today i got to the bus increadibly late and then first lesson i had P.E and i had a note not to do it because of my bad bad cough but i did it anyway, how silly is that! And i nearly choked to deathb like i am now writing this!
Second lesson i had Science and we were in the computer room and i was revising while listening to Lost Prophets!
After break i had Maths and Mr Birnie was been a cockface about things i didn't even know about. I was like *huh*.
At dinner we had no leftovers so we coyldn't make one of our messes with our food!
After dinner was Geography and we watched the worst video ever about tourism and animals getting killed for fun. I was completely disgusted.
Last lesson we had a supply teacher and all of the chavvy people in my class were been nice to me and asking me if i wanted to sit with them because i was alone and if i wanted some food andf things, they did it for no reason and i was so shocked. Maybe they are not as bad as i thought but whenever they talked to me i went all red! :)
After school i got ready and ran out eating a sandwich to get the bus to town for the Manga Party at Waterstones, in town before Corey was been so gay and i wasn';t even goijg near him. He stole two pairs of underwear and then trieds to get a neckerchief from New Look but got caught and was trying to blame me, Danielle, Aramninta and Kirsty but the woman knew it was him. He is such an annoying cockface sometimes! I cant believe he tried to blame us, and he got away with no punishment!
At the party there was a free manga book and sweets and things but nothing that good. And then spokesperson thought she was so funny but she wasn't and she was just purely annoying. More annoying then Corey there who just completely talked our of his arsehole!

Tuesday 19 June 2007

:) Laughing (:

Today i went to school and first lesson i had Technology and i was in some sort of laughing mood all day and i did some work on the computer which should have taken 10 minutes but in my case took 1 hour and then i got moved because Corey wouldn't shut the hell up and in the last half an hour i did more than i have ever done near any of my friendies.
After break i had Citizenship and the boys had a talk on shaving which imay add was completely boring and pointless and the shaving lady cut Mr Gadd which was hilarious.
After dinner i had English and we were in the computer room and i changed the language and settings on the printers and kept printing off endless pictures of carrots, teletubbies, and other weird things.
Last lesson was Chemistry and it was so boring because i was just copying out things to do with the work.
All day i was laughing and after school i met Corey and then Luke and Corey again and then i came in!

Yesterday Is Dead

Well i woke up feeling like i had an elephant running out my mouth but i still went to school looking and feeling like a piece of crap!
First lesson was Maths and i was so bored i actually did the work which was easy. Shows what you learn when you listen.
Second lesson was English and it was Jaws we were watching with all the gruesome deaths and the blood. I told my teacher i was a Hemophobiac and was afraid of blood.
After break i had I.C.T and Mr Wyles blocked the internet so for the first 50 minutes i didn't do anything except change the colour of the screen to blue and in the last 10 i did all of the tasks. I was speedy, but the computers were hurting my headache.
After a dinner of crap from the canteen i had Geography and it was another boring lesson about tourism, i hope my teacher would just take a hike to Menorca due to his boringness.
Last lesson was History and there was a rumour going around that *Kirsty picked Peters spots and kissed them* i was like eww you sick bitch, and then i did our Saltaire work.
After school i came home with a head like shit and laid down on my bed and was asleep for the rest of the night.
I felt so dead that day!

Sunday 17 June 2007


Today i woke up and i was like "ARGHHHHHHHHHH" becuase i ached so much. My legs hurt, my head hurt and everything about me hurt. Even when i blinked.
When i was all done eating my breakfst i went out and planted some plants for my nana. And then i got all muddy so then i got all ready and cleaned again.
After i was all done at nanas i walked into town and then walked around town until i wanted to go home , which want long because i ached so much. It even hurt me to sit down.
When i got back i litened to my music and then i had my tea, and then i felt all better. Maybe i felt a little ill because i had nothin to eat yesterday except a roast chicken bake and a Dr. Pepper!
For yhe rest f the night i rested and went on the computer and watched T.V!

Standing 10 till 9

Today i got the bus to town and then met Emily and then we went to drama together but we turned up a little late.
We went through the whole play and we had to keep going through the Gospel Train because that is thew one that Claire always victimises, plus i am in that group! Lee Green was been really harsh to Corey saying "When you speak all i can hear is blablablablablabla!" because Corey speaks really fast, Corey was nearly crying. At dinner me, <3 Emily <3, Sophie, Emily (cool jacket), Corey, Catherine, Milissa, Carra, and others all went in town and then i went off with Emily and we walked around and got our dinner and were late back because Emily didn't want to make a mess with her dinner. When we got back people were trying on the t-shirts we are wearing on the night nut i tried on Emilys cool jacket. It said neon, beige and grey and it was all in those colours, i want one! And then we went through the play another 1000 times. At the end near the run through Corey was talking and Lee spotted him but then Corey denied it. Le said "Corey i saw you speaking so don't be a fucking lying bastard and admit it!" it was so funny.
After drama i went into town and met Kirsty and Araminta and then we went to the cinemas to see Fantastic Four, or in Kirsty's case *The Increadible People*. It was actually a really cool movie and the graphic's were good. At the end i told Kirsty that they made a porn movie called *The Fantastic Foursome* and Kirsty believed me so we were laughing for well over 5 minutes and everyone could hear us.
Araminta is afraid of Buddahs!
After the pictures we walked home (to my nanas) and it tiook us forever, maybe because we went in ASDA for over half an hour. I eventually turned up at my nanas by half 9 and then i had my tea, watched T.V and went to bed! But it was a bit hard because on that day Emily pushed me and i hurt my neck. My legs killed becuase that day i had been stood up for over 8hours.

Friday 15 June 2007

=D Welly =D

I am actually writing from today because i got the past 9 bus instead of the 11 bus to stay with Kelly and Harriet who i went to Welly with!
Today in the morning it was raining so hard that i couldn't even walk on the paths cause they flooded. And i had my clothes for Welly and was wearing my shoes, which were soaked.
First lesson i had Science and we had a supply so no work was hardly done.
Second lesson was Maths and Me and Harriet werre doing coursework while talking.
After a break of running away from annoying Corey i had R.E and Corey was sat in my seat so i sat with Michael. Mrs Butt (R.E teacher) was not here so Corey stole the lesson plan so were workless, until Mrs Rae walked into the door and gave us even more work.
Lesson after dinner was Business and my account was disabled because i have been going on Anne Dixon's account! She really wouldn't mind. I think it was the offensive emails that did it!
Last lesson was History with another substitute (the same hopeless one that i had for Science!) Me and Jacob were playin a game called *DIE DIE DIE!* which is when you draw stickpeople killing the last stickperson drawn.
After school finished i walked through the many puddles and in the rain and then Me, Harrei and Kelly got changed in Kellys house and then dissapeared into town until Welly.
At Welly we were raving in the chav?indie room upstaires and nobody said anything to us even when we were been weird cos we are so much cooler then them. Then we were running in between the pits trying not to get hurt. And i didnt :O!I had such a good time and i danced like a complete stripper and a weirdo but i was cool!
I am tired so i am gonna go now!

Thursday 14 June 2007


I might not be writing my blog for a couple of days because tomorrow i am at Welly with my friendies from Pit, Pickering and Harriet!
And then on Satrurday i think i am at my nanas!


Today i got the bus to school with Clo Clo and Sofo (the mofo) because Corey couldn't be bothered to come to school but told his dad he was ill.
So i had to walk from my house to the bus stop alone :O! (about 2 minutes walk!)
First lesson was Chemistry and we were doing work about oils and fats.
Second lesson was P.E with Mr Garthwaite and Me, Harriet, Michael and Kelly put on our kit and then had to go see Mrs Lindley about Michaels and Coreys fight. But then we decided to walk aroung to pass rainy P.E time.
After break we had English and Harriet is afraid of sharks and i didn't want to go to English alone so we went in the computer room and sent all of the wannabees at bench emails from Ann Dixon.
Ann was our good friend so wouldn't mind even though the people at Bench are her good emo wannabee spazzy donkey raping friends.
After an enjoyable dinner of spam pasta i had Biology and i found such a cool clothing website with Spongebob tee-shirts and everyband imaginable. It rocked!
After science it was Careers and we were on Kudos answering gay questionnaires.
After school i was going to stay in to do work but Chloe and Sofy came for me so i went out with them until i got cold. And then they called for me 2 minutes after. And after they went agin they called me on the phone.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

I Like S&M

Today i got trhe bus to school.
First lesson i had P.E and i was doing it :( I have done P.E for aboput 5 months with my kit and i have got no praise!
I asked why P.E was compulsary and he said it was not relevant to the subject and said i should go ask my one friend. So i said "Shut Up" and he said "WHAT! Say that again!" So i did and then he said go out the door, which was very silly because we were on the field!
Second lesson was Science and we were doing online quizzes. And by us i mean me and my friends!
After break i had Maths and we started ourt coursework which was surprisingly easy. I think anyway!
At dinner Corey kept saying a load of shite and we all fell out and then all made up except for Corey!
After dinner i had Geography and it was just the same old.
Last lesson was Business Srudies and we were interviewing candidates and someone asked me if i liked S&M (bondage) I said YES!
After school Corey tried to appologize and i was thinking *Fuck off you phony!* then Sophie didn't go out but me, Clo Clo and Luke doid and we were on his wet trampoline.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Victory For SS Squad!

Today i got the bus to school and Chloe and Sophie were not friends then! :(
First two lesson i had Food Technology and i was cooking Beef Chilli Burgers and a Simple Chocolate Cake (not simple at all!!!)
When i was cooking my burgers the fat was dripping everywhere all over Coreys burgers. Mine tasted so much nicer but hotter to because i tipped a fun tub of chillis on my meat.
My chocolate cake made such a mess and everything was covere in flour and i wasn't even finished. I did it so late that i stayed in at break and half way through Citizenship. But in the end it did look very very nice! Mmm!In Citizenship we did nothing at all except discuss effects of smoking and drinking.
At dinner it was so funny because i gave Michael some flour which he threw at Coireywho then chased Michael hitting him and shoving him. Michael pit Corey in a head lock and Coreys glasses fell off and then he stood on them. :O And he tried to blame Michael. OMG!
Last lesson was crappy Chemistry and we copied questions and answers out of the book.
After school i went out with ophie who was back friends with Clo Clo.
We walked aroung but nobody came out so it was just The SS Squad!
We webt into the park and got invaded by about 1000000 chavvy 11 year old boys on bikes. They all dissapeared so we named this day ... ... ... ...
We are so cool. When i got in i went on the Sims and waited for the other SS member to go on MSN but she didn't. Tut tut!

Monday 11 June 2007

Eww! SICK!!!

Today i went to crappola school and Clo, Me and Corey were sat on the bus and Sophie had missed the bus.
First lesson i had maths and we had a supply and i didn't understand the work so he allowed me to copy off Sharon. I was super bored.
Second leson was English and we watched JAWS but Harriet is afraid of sharks and i said i was an Eulophrobia which is a fear of cats.
After break was ICT and Mr Wyles has completeyly given up on our group so we were all on games onnpics and Muchael was booking holidays online and i was browsing for clothes.
After a dinner of rubber spagetti, i had Geography and we were in room 45 and we did lots of questions on Menorca.
Last lesson was History in room 45 and we were
doing our Saltaire coursework. I was doing about the schools.
After school i went to Kellys and we played games and talked.
Eden <- Kelly nephew was almost sick on me when i was tickling him. Ewwwwww!

Sunday 10 June 2007


Today i had a lie in and then woke up to watch a program on television about to gay cartoon caracters called Jim Jam and Sunny. It was like a crappier version of the tweenies.
I got all ready and then went on msn for hours on end ubntil we had to go to ASDA. On the way i got insulted by a chav!
When we were at ASDA we bought all kind of cool things like cat food and doughnuts.
Then when we got back Me, Danielle and Sam packed our bagges and started trecking back down Holderness Road to grandad Jacksons birthday surprise meal.
We were all there except my mum, Dale, Adam and Adams girlfriend and we all shouted SURPRISE! Then in came the absenbt 4 people.
And my auntie Lin kept saying i look like my cousin Adam, who is 25! Plus i am taller then him and nearly everybody there. Ha!
And most of us got an eat all you can chinese meal but Sam got a sausage thingy. t was all very nice but i got a very hot hot hot curry. Which made me feel like my tongue was popping out my ass. Haha!
I had a very fun time. My auntie Linda made a yummy scrummy tasty double chocolate cake which i ate and even brought some bits home because it was so nice. :p.
When i got home i installed my new Sims game and bought all the new Sims H&M Fashio clothes.

Saturday 9 June 2007


Today i woke up bright and early because it was drama. I got up had a shower and got ready and my dad made me some toast which i forgot to eat so i bought a bueno. :)
When i got off the bus int town i ran into the first game shop i could to get my hands on the new Sims H&M fashion expansio pack, because i am a sims freak and i need it. After i got it i was very happy until i got to drama.
The two groups met and Claire was telling us what was crap but in such a bossy and victimising way and ten she ruined nearly everyones coreography by making everyone join in (we were hardly ever in time)
At dinner me, Sarah, Laura, Catherine. Milissa, Carra, Gemma, Emly and Corey all went into town and we got our dinner from Fries R Us, and the chips from their taste really pissy. They are either too crunchy or too soggy so i left half of mine. There was this fesival stalls i town and i wanted a BBC Do One Thing bag so i copied my answers off this womans questionnaire and i got my bad with three sachets of seeds. Wow SEEDS!
We got back to drama with Claire bossing us around again making our play look like a piece of poo.
After drama i got the bus home to my dads and went on the computer listeneing to My Chemical Romance for hours on end. And i watched *Any Dream Wll Do* which i actually thought was called *There Is Something About Joseph* or *Finding Joseph* and we were all laughing that Andrew Lloyd Webber looked like a primate but apparently his brother is uglier. Haha!

Friday 8 June 2007

Craooy school

Today i went to school and first lesson i had Physics but Mr Smith wasn't here so we just had a supply which the class named Porcupine head and they also used him as an excuse not to do work.
Second lesson was just so boring and me and Harriet were just talking about Kelly, because she said i apparently started a rumour about her saying that i said that she had sex with her cousin. I didn't at all. I did the work too.
After break i had R.E and we were just doing lots and lots of work and then we got to watch a couple of minutes of Bend It Like Beckham.
After dinner i had Business Studies and the email website was bocked so i couldn't email my friends which made this lesson just as rubbish and pointless as the rest today. But i still wrote a C.V for a bar manager job.
Last lesson was History and me and Alex sat with each other doing bits of our coursework when we actually stopped talking Mrs Sowden left half way through and we didn't know. Whoops.
When me and Sophie got off the school bus a tramp ran up and nearly got on the bus and then ran around the bus and then laid back on the floor. We were slightly creeped out and then Luke Watts peed right next to his head. Eww. Me and Sophie were creeped out.
After school we found out we were going to Daddy's but i didnt know and was out with my friends until i actually remembered and then went home with my mum calling me every second.
Then at my dads i went on the computer and spoke to my friendies.

Thursday 7 June 2007

Laughy mood ;)

Toay i woke up a little late because i went to bed later for watching music videos. How sad am i!
I got the crappy tin mess (school bus) to school and then first lesson i had Chemistry and it was just the normal boring lesson except the teacher wrote the objective on the board :O probably because of the offstead inspecter in school.
Second lesson was P.E and i had Mr Garthwaite in Cricket. And i was dancing and i married my cricket bat and gave it the name Cecil (she was my wife) and then we split because i dropped her.
Inside Rachel Hearst spanked me so i hit her with the metal stump. Haha!
After break i had English which was rubbish and we were watching *The Hound Of The Baskervilles* it was so rubbish, it is our new piece of English coursework to do the camera angles.
At dinner me and Harriet wet on the playground and terrorised a game of squarews making the people throw the ball at us in a lame attempt to steal it. ;). It was so amusing.
After dinner was Biology and we made fossils but one of mine broke because i was been greedy and i made 3.
Last lesson was Careers and we were just talking about work experience and Mr Davies went around the class asking everyone how theres went and a grade out of 10 and everyone did it perfect and then it came to me.
I hate speaking out in class so i covered my nerves with laughing in screaming hysteria (which made me look even weirder.)
And then he asked me a grade and i carried on laughing and then he said "That good then?" and then he asked me what i did and i replied ... ... ...
I looked super weird and nobody understood me.
Then later on in the lesson Rob Pomone went to Corey "I am going to eat a haggis pie." so i said "Just how amny of thopse pies have you eaten" hinting he was fat, which made me laugh for a long time.
I am such a retard. But not as much as a retard as Sophie who i went out with at night along woth Chloe and we were just talking about anything and everything. Cos we are cool! ;)
Today i was in such a laughy mood for some reason.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

PE <- Whoops. ;)

Today i got to the bus stop eating chocolate and then we got on the bus, which was boring.
First lesson i had P.E and i got a baseball stuck in the tree but i was not trusted to get the pole to get it out so Michael did. It was so funny.
I also got shouted at for not wearing proper school uniform because i was wearing a jacket over my pe top. :O. Mr Gartwaite is a poopoo brain!
Second lesson was Science and we were doing posters on evolution.
On break *people* threw books out of a window and got shouted at because Offstead were in school. Haha.
After break was maths which was boring because we were doing cumulative frequency. :(
After dinner was Geography and i was so tired and i was in Business Studies aswell. In business we filled in a job application for a bar manager but it was pointless and the questions were silly, like what C.D, Book and person would you take to a desert island. And what do you do when you pass a Big Issue Man. I was like WTF!
After school i came home and went on the sims and did some work.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

.:*Friends Again*:.

In the morning i got all ready for school and stood at the bus stop which was quite awkward because me and Chloe haden't made up yet. So we stood there in near enough silence and then along came Sophie.
On the bus i thought they were laughing at me but they were laughing at Coreys jacket which says G-Sport but they thought it said G-Spot!
First two lessons i had Technology and i made up that next week i am cooking Chicken Chilli Burgers and A Chocolate Cake. Mmmmm!After break i had Citizenship which was a waste of my time because it was so poo and i got told off for never talking to Mr Harper (Form Tutor. I was like fuck you!
At diner was that confidence club but i was very late. But they still hadbe't finished dinner!!!
Afer dinner was english and we were drawing different camera angles on story boards and mine was an emo dancing to Fall Out Boy and OPanic At The Disco. My teacher called it me!
Last lesson was Chemistry and i was all nerdy and i finished all the work and most of my class did none.
After school on the bus Chloe and me wewre kind of talking and her and Sophie had cabbage plants and Sophie's was called Fredrick.
After everything we all went out and had a cool time and me and Chloe made friends again! Me and Luke were tapping each others heads but it looked more like a sexual act like positions in a karmasutra book. It was so funny. I think i lost about 1000 braincells and i am now raindead.
P.S (Sophie i do not love Alan and i was not staring at his arse while he was riding his bike.!)

Monday 4 June 2007

School "enjoyable"

I am sat here feeling sorry for myself because i have fallen out with Chloe, i love Chloe because she is funny but now we are not friends. I do not actually know why we fell out but i wish we were friends again.
In the morning we were all back at school so i put on my uniform and went to the bus stop with Corey, Sophie, Luke and Chloe (when we were still friends).
First lesson i had maths and me and Harriet were talking a lot because we are really good freinds now like we were before.
Second lesson was English and me and Harriet wrote a funny story about Corey and the teletubies. It made no sense and it went like.
Once upon a time.
"Can can can you do the can can?"
Corey along with the teletubbies were cabbareying on stage.
"Eh oh!" says Dipsy with his hat.
"Eh oh!" says Po with her scooter.
"Eh oh!" says Corey with his dildo. etc.
"Wow great show babez!" says Bob the Builder
"Can you cement my spanner?" asked Tinky winky.
"Come here Dizzy! Tinky wants his winky cementing."
"I'm coming." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"Are you ready yet?" says Bob
"Im here, Bobs queer, Ride Corey like a deer!"
That is a story written by Harriet and Scott whih fits in with the genre porn for the under 5's. We did this because we were doing about different film genres but didn't want to do western.
After break was I.C.T and it was a paper war between the two rivals.
Me, Corey, Ellis and Michael VS Aaron. Matthew, Liam and Joe.
I think our team won because i threw my computer mouse at them for unplugging all my wires.
After dinner i had Geography and i drew a picture on P!ATD, F.O.B and a heart which kept repeating their lyrics and i love pete. <- who is a gay emo who said i was very cute on the weekend.
After that i had history and i drew a fountain in memory of Jack Skellington.
After an "enjoyable" day at school i went out with my friends when we were friends. I hope me and Chloe sort out this!

Sunday 3 June 2007


Today was an ok day because i got the bus into town and then i met Emily for a couple of hours and then me, Danielle abd Sam went to an all you can eat chinese buffet and i felt as fat as a pig! It was complete fun and i enjoyed it and then i got the bus home and went out with my friends.
Like weird emo Sophie, Clo Clo, Luke, and Corey, and lukes gorlfriend Tannah!

Drama :Ozzz

Yesterday is a saturday! And on this day is sunday!
But on this day i went into town with Emily from about 12 except she was late again.
Well when she got there we went around town andf then saw Corey and ebn ded up walking to drama together but it was exactly the same.
After drama i saw all the peeps i went into Welly with and then we talked and Carly told me on how her and my sister Danielle hit Jordan Beagle for been a complete toss face!!!
All in all my day was good because in the night i just went out!
Pinch Punch first of the month! Eccept it isn't the 1st of the month because i am writing from 3 days in the future on the 3rd!
Well anyway on this day i went into town wih Emily and Corey and we walked around and around and around until drama started because it was on on friday too! :p.
I went and everyone of my cool drama frindies were there and i was like woo :p but Steph was not there!
Well at drama it was pretty much the same working in the same things and groups and same people so it was ok i suppose!
After drama i waited in town for people because i was going to Welly!
In the end i went to Welly with: Suzi, Charlotte, Daryl, Steph, Becky, Lucy, Gemma, and then inside i saw Laura Arameo who was completely pissed out of her head and lots of people from my school and a boy who kept looking at me very lovingly! Hahe! He actually did!
Corey went to but was just been gay!